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SMS and SSP Implementation training, including OJT for Principal Inspectors

27 June - 6 July 2018, Delhi, INdia

This classroom course was designed to reinforce the inspector’s knowledge and understanding on safety management (SSP and SMS) and how to evaluate an SMS using SMS assessment tools.


The ‘on the job training’ wasused to reinforce the knowledge and understanding gained in the classroom and provide practical experience of assessing an SMS.

For further detail about the content, please click here.

Combined FO subjects (RVSM, AOC CERT, PBN, CAT II/III)

18 - 26 September 2017, Delhi, India

This 7 day course explained the operation requirements and internal procedures to be followed by the CAA for the issuance of Operational Approvals, and for AOC certification.

For further detail about the content, please click here.

SAFA and Ramp Inspection Training

18 - 22 September 2017, Delhi, India

This 5 day course will provide participants with the necessary theoretical knowledge associated with the Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft (SAFA) inspection process and for the conduct of general ramp inspections.

For further detail on the content, please click here.

Regulators Auditing Techniques (Airworthiness)

11- 15 September 2017, Delhi, India

This 5 day course was designed to allow participants to gain practical experience in planning, conducting, and managing internal audits, supplier audits and contractor audits.

For further detail about the content, please click here.

Flight Simulator Evaluation

26- 28 July 2017, Delhi, India

This 3 day course provided an introduction to the EU requirements governing the qualification of FSTDs and their ongoing operation. The responsibilities of the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) with regard to oversight procedures and CAA standardisation were covered, as well as the requirement applicable to the operator for FSTD qualification. The course covered all aspects of the fixed wing and rotary wing FSTD evaluation process and Compliance Monitoring System audits. All types of FSTD were covered, from the generic Flight Navigation Procedural Trainer (FNTP) through to the fully type-specific Full Flight Simulator (FFS).

For further detail on the content, please click here.

Operational Approvals - Airworthiness inspectors ETOPS, RVSP, RNP, CAT II/III

12 - 14 June Delhi, India

This 3 day course explained the airworthiness requirements and internal procedures to be followed by the CAA for the issuance of Operational Approvals.

For further detail on the content, please click here.

SMS and SSP Implementation training

23 May - 1 June 2017, Delhi, India

This 8 day course covered ICAO Annex 19 SSP and SMS Requirements and provided the participants with the knowledge on how to evaluate the effectiveness of SMS.

For further detail on the content, please click here.

SARI Part 147 Implementation Workshop

30 January - 3 February 2017, Delhi, India

A 5 day SARI Part 147 Implementation Workshop was held in Delhi, India to verify and assess the progress made by India in implementing the  SARI Part 147 Regulation.

SARI Part 145 Implementation Workshop

23 - 27 January 2017, Delhi, India


A 5 day SARI Part 145 Implementation Workshop was held in Delhi, India to verify and assess the progress made by India in implementing the  SARI Part 145 Regulation.

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