Aviation Cybersecurity Workshop
27.-28. June 2022
Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore
Aviation Cybersecurity Workshop
Singapore, 27-28 June 2022
South Asia & South East Asia joined forces to mitigate Cyber Security Threats to Aviation Safety. The workshop was held in Pan Pacific Hotel in Singapore on 27th & 28th June. The Objectives of the Workshop were:
Illustrate the basics of cybersecurity in aviation, the specific cyber threat landscape and how to address the related threats and vulnerabilities through
A. Adequate regulations, with reference to the European example
B. Risk assessment and management
C. Sharing risk assessment information and cyber threat information and intelligence
Present and discuss ongoing activities at the ICAO level, namely the International Aviation Trust Framework, including its implications for the global aviation community. The challenges, issues and limitations in setting up a trust framework will also be illustrated with use cases (e.g. membership access, rejection of a member) based on similar instances.
Exchange opinions on defining an international approach to increase the resilience, safety and security of aviation in light of constantly evolving cyber threats.
The opening speech was given by Mr. Luc Tytgat EASA Strategy and Safety Management Director, and the two experts who delivered the Workshop were Jean-Paul MOREAUX, EASA Principal Coordinator - Cybersecurity in Aviation & Gerry NGU, EASA, Senior Expert - Cybersecurity in Aviation. Mr. David Waller EASA Representative in Singapore attended the inaugural meeting amidst his busy schedule.
It was evident at the end of the workshop that the participants were happy to receive this initial introduction in preparation of the ICAO Trust Framework discussions. The two experts felt that the development of a more comprehensive workshop would also benefit EASA colleagues, satisfies the European Commission, and contributes to the export of the EASA safety system in the two regions.
Framework discussions. The two experts felt that the development of a more comprehensive workshop would also benefit EASA colleagues, satisfies the European Commission, and contributes to the export of the EASA safety system in the two regions.