SSP/SMS Fundamentals for South Asian Aviation – Train the Trainer Workshop
16.-18. August 2022
Indian Aviation Academy
New Delhi, India
SSP/SMS fundamentals for South Asian Aviation
- Train the Trainer Workshop
SSP/SMS fundamentals for South Asian Aviation - Train the Trainer Workshop was held in New Delhi India from 16th–18th August. DGCA India partially contributed to the organization of the event which was held at the Indian Aviation Academy. It was the 3rd High Level workshop held by the Project since the Kick– Off Meeting in September 2021.
The workshop was designed to meet the needs of professionals already working in safety and, in particular, those who train others in SMS. Attendees were able to draw on the experience of experts to find out whether their internal SMS training syllabus meets all regulatory requirements. This provided tips and experiences on how to make SMS training relevant and engaging and best practices for developing SMS training that brings concrete and measurable improvements.
In addition, this session also provided the opportunity to enhance the understanding of participants in regard to the expectations and requirements of other stakeholders in the region involved in the implementation of safety as well as to listen to their experiences and to share lessons learnt. In this way, organisations were able to improve the application and understanding of SMS by improving internal own SMS training for staff and other stakeholders.
There were 57 participants from Bhutan, India, Maldives , Nepal & Sri Lanka at the event with Bangladesh & Pakistan joining online. There were almost 20 participants joining online who interacted in Q&A sessions actively. The two well renowned experts on SSP/SMS Dr. Hazel Courteney & Mr. Simon Roberts delivered a successful workshop within the allocated three days.