About the EU - South Asia
Aviation Partnership Project
Strengthening the partnership in aviation between the EU and South Asia

The EU-South Asia Aviation Partnership Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to develop the EU's partnership with South Asia, enhance safety and improve environmental protection and climate change action in the field of civil aviation. The South Asia region comprises almost a quarter of the world’s population. Over the next 20 years South Asia’s air traffic is expected to rise at 8.6 percent per annum, the highest growth rate in the world.
In view of this growth it is essential that the aviation safety oversight mechanisms in South Asia are commensurate. It is equally important to engage and respond to the timely and appropriate development of aviation infrastructure and associated processes to ensure safety, security, efficiency and environmental protection.
In order to strengthen the partnership in aviation between EU and South Asia the project will focus on:
Enhancing relations between South Asian and European institutions in the field of civil aviation
Increasing technical exchanges between the South Asian and European aviation industries
Supporting South Asia in developing its capacity for safety oversight
Improving the environmental performance of the South Asian aviation sector